
Frequently asked questions are listed here. If you have a question, please email it to fuse@erasmusmc.nl. Should more people have the same questions, we will list them here.

Q: When will the study take place?

A: On May 15, 2024 between 08:00 and 22:00

Q: Who should do the inclusions?

A: Inclusions can be done by physicians, nurses and/or researchers. As long as they are familiar with the procedure. It is up to the ambassador to take care of this. It is recommended that 1 to 2 persons be designated to perform inclusions.

Q: Can I also do inclusions part of the time?

A: It is desirable to have all-day inclusions, if this is not possible, a half-day is also sufficient. Your hospital can then still participate in the FUSE study.

Q: Can I do the inclusions on another day?

A: In principle this is not possible, only unless your cannot obtain permission from your local committee by May 15, it is possible by mutual agreement to schedule another study day.

Q: What are the benefits to participating hospitals?

A: Participating hospital can designate 1 or 2 (usually the ambassador) as contributing author, which will be included in the article.

Q: Can I also enter data directly into Castor?

A: This is possible, if your as a hospital itself has the resources for this, e.g. a tablet that can be used to enter data directly into Castor.